spring studio day

Our director of photography and design, Paige French, is inviting readers to join her, along with Rinne Allen and Eve Nettles, to spend a morning together: creatives, sharing our processes and our work.

We'll begin the day with coffee and refreshments, and then venture into the woods with Eve to gather natural elements for styling. We will then work with those elements, making light drawings with Rinne, whose aesthetic and skill as an artist embraces all genres. Her work has a broad span, and she is truly a gift to the creative community. Rinne's process is deeply influenced by nature, and light drawings are a perfect example. Her own light drawings can be seen here, and you'll have the opportunity to learn this traditional art form. These prints will be a beautiful take-home to be passed through generations.

Eve has a distinct gift for discovering and creating beauty wherever she goes, and will share her unique perspective on the use of otherwise unnoticeable materials to make art. Eve is a skillful stylist, and will discuss her approach to sculpture, installation art, and crafting well-formed scenes to be photographed. 

Paige will share her perspective as a self-taught photographer, what she has learned about the art form, and making use of natural materials to create beautiful photographs. You can see Paige and Eve's collaborative project, Nettles + French, here. We'll also discuss the value of cultivating your own distinguishable voice as you pursue the craft of photography in the digital era.

Lastly, our time together will conclude with a light lunch and an opportunity to talk about what we've learned. 

The Seed & Plate is excited to offer our readers this opportunity to experience so much of what we are passionate about, what inspires our content. Spring Studio Day is May 9th, 2015, located just outside of Athens at The Brick House, historically a home for local artists. The Brick House is nestled in the beautiful woodlands between Athens and Crawford, and is a lovely, eclectic space. Our hope with Spring Studio Day is that we will rediscover a strong sense of rootedness, connection to nature, the beauty of traditional methods of using light to make art, and how these things translate into making photographs in the digital age. We chose to limit the group to twelve people, and there are still a few seats left. We would love to have you join us! To learn more and book your seat, please click here